2021-11-16 Osud z pohledu indiánské moudrosti - Pablo Russell v dokumentu FATUM (2012) Viliama Poltikoviče Previous 2019 Indigenous Day celebrations at Fort Calgary in Calgary. Next Raising Our Healthy Kids - Aboriginal Values and Teachings You Might Also Like Raising Our Healthy Kids - Aboriginal Holistic Health and Wellness Elder Camille Pablo Russell Der Schöpfer ist in Dir Calgary Heroes: Elder helps city’s indigenous people find identity, heal Pablo Russell - The Buffalo Way
2021-11-16 Osud z pohledu indiánské moudrosti - Pablo Russell v dokumentu FATUM (2012) Viliama Poltikoviče Previous 2019 Indigenous Day celebrations at Fort Calgary in Calgary. Next Raising Our Healthy Kids - Aboriginal Values and Teachings You Might Also Like Raising Our Healthy Kids - Aboriginal Holistic Health and Wellness Elder Camille Pablo Russell Der Schöpfer ist in Dir Calgary Heroes: Elder helps city’s indigenous people find identity, heal Pablo Russell - The Buffalo Way